Holiday Calendar in Thailand 2023

Here is a holiday calendar for Thailand in 2023:

January 1: New Year’s Day
February 14: Valentine’s Day
April 6: Chakri Day
April 13-15: Songkran Festival (Thai New Year)
May 1: National Labor Day
May 5: Coronation Day
May 22: Royal Ploughing Ceremony
July 28: Asalha Puja Day
July 29: Buddhist Lent Day
August 12: Queen’s Birthday
October 13: Passing of King Bhumibol Adulyadej
October 23: Chulalongkorn Day
December 5: King’s Birthday
December 10: Constitution Day
December 31: New Year’s Eve

Thailand, known for its rich cultural heritage and warm hospitality, is a destination that celebrates numerous vibrant festivals and holidays throughout the year. From traditional religious events to modern public holidays, the country offers a unique opportunity for travelers to immerse themselves in its diverse cultural tapestry. In this article, we present a comprehensive holiday calendar in Thailand, highlighting the major festivals, public holidays, and special occasions that shape the nation’s lively spirit.

1. Songkran Festival (April 13-15)

Songkran, the Thai New Year, is one of the most exhilarating festivals in Thailand. During this three-day celebration, locals and visitors come together to splash water on one another, symbolizing purification and new beginnings. Experience the joyous water fights and immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere.

2. Loy Krathong Festival (November)

Loy Krathong, the Festival of Lights, is a magical event celebrated on the full moon of the twelfth lunar month. Thais release beautifully decorated krathongs (small boats made of banana leaves) into rivers and waterways as a gesture of gratitude to the water spirits. Witness the shimmering rivers adorned with floating lights during this enchanting festival.

3. Yi Peng Lantern Festival (November)

Yi Peng, a captivating festival celebrated in Northern Thailand, is famous for its mesmerizing sky lanterns. Join the locals as they release thousands of lanterns into the night sky, making it a spectacle of floating lights and wishes for good fortune.

4. Thai National Holidays

Mark your calendars for Thai national holidays, including National Day (December 5), Constitution Day (December 10), and Chulalongkorn Day (October 23). These holidays offer a glimpse into Thailand’s history and cultural heritage, with various ceremonies and activities taking place across the country.

5. Makha Bucha Day (February or March)

Makha Bucha is an important Buddhist holiday that commemorates the spontaneous gathering of 1,250 enlightened monks to listen to Buddha’s teachings. Engage in the candlelit processions and temple ceremonies to experience the spiritual essence of this sacred day.

6. Visakha Bucha Day (May or June)

Visakha Bucha, another significant Buddhist holiday, honors the birth, enlightenment, and passing of Lord Buddha. Observe the rituals of merit-making, almsgiving, and temple visits as devotees come together to pay their respects.

7. King Bhumibol Memorial Day (October 13)

A day of remembrance for the beloved late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, this holiday offers an opportunity to witness the deep reverence Thais hold for their revered monarch.


Thailand’s holiday calendar is a tapestry of color, traditions, and festivities, offering an unforgettable experience for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in the country’s rich cultural heritage. Plan your visit around these joyous occasions, and be part of the vibrant celebrations that will leave you with cherished memories of your journey through the Land of Smiles.