Looking for a long-term stay in Thailand?

Get instant access Thailand Long-Stay options and discover everything you need to know about live in Thailand for the long term. Whether you’re looking to retire, work remotely, or just enjoy a long term stay in Thailand. Our expert will share valuable insight and practical tips to help you make informed decisions.

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  1. Natural beauty: Thailand boasts some of the most stunning landscapes in the world, from tropical beaches to lush rainforests and majestic mountain ranges.
  2. Affordable cost of living: The cost of living in Thailand is much lower than in many Western countries, making it an affordable destination for long-term stays.
  3. Warm hospitality: Thai people are known for their friendly and welcoming nature, making visitors feel right at home.
  4. Delicious cuisine: Thai food is famous around the world for its bold flavors, fresh ingredients, and healthy options, making it a popular choice for foodies and health enthusiasts.
  5. Modern amenities: Despite its affordability, Thailand has modern amenities and excellent healthcare facilities, making it a comfortable and convenient place to live.
  6. Laid-back lifestyle: With its warm climate and stunning natural surroundings, Thailand encourages a slower pace of life, allowing residents to take a break from the hustle and bustle of modern-day living.
  7. Ease of access: Thailand has excellent transportation infrastructure, making it easy to get around the country and explore all it has to offer.
  8. Rich culture: Thailand has a rich and diverse cultural heritage, with beautiful temples, festivals, and traditional arts and crafts to discover.
  9. Diverse expat community: Thailand has a thriving expat community, making it easy to meet like-minded people and make new friends.
  10. Safety: Thailand is a safe and peaceful country, with a low crime rate and friendly locals who are happy to help visitors and expats alike.
  1. Digital nomads: These are individuals who work remotely and often travel frequently. Thailand has become a popular destination for digital nomads due to its low cost of living, high-quality internet, and vibrant coworking spaces.
  2. Budget travelers: Thailand is known for being an affordable destination, so budget travelers could be interested in your book as a guide to living in Thailand for an extended period of time without breaking the bank.
  3. Expats with families: Families who are considering moving to Thailand may find your book helpful in understanding the logistics and challenges of living in the country with children, such as finding schools and childcare.
  4. Adventure seekers: Thailand offers plenty of opportunities for adventure and outdoor activities, so readers who are interested in exploring the outdoors, trekking, or water sports could find your book useful.
  5. Retirees who want to start a business: Many retirees are interested in starting a business or investing in Thailand. Your book could provide valuable insights into the business culture and the process of starting a business in Thailand.

Obtaining a Long Stay Visa: To stay in Thailand for an extended period of time, you will need to obtain a long stay visa, which is also known as a Non-Immigrant O visa. This visa allows you to stay in the country for up to 90 days and can be extended for a period of up to one year. To obtain this visa, you will need to apply at a Thai embassy or consulate in your home country or another country where you hold a residency permit. You will need to provide documentation such as your passport, proof of financial means, and a letter from a Thai sponsor or proof of employment in Thailand.

Extending a Long Stay Visa: If you wish to stay in Thailand for longer than 90 days, you can apply to extend your Non-Immigrant O visa for up to one year at a Thai immigration office. To extend your visa, you will need to provide documentation such as your passport, proof of financial means, and proof of address in Thailand. You will also need to pay a fee, which varies depending on the length of the extension.

It’s important to note that the process for obtaining and extending a long stay visa can be complex and time-consuming, so it’s recommended to start the process well in advance of your planned stay in Thailand. Additionally, the Thai government may change visa regulations and requirements from time to time, so it’s best to check with a Thai embassy or consulate for the latest information before applying for a long stay visa.

Foreigners with special skills who work in Thailand in specific industries will enjoy a flat rate personal income tax of 17%.

The intention is to use tax incentives to persuade these foreigners, who are regarded as high income earners, wealthy or who have special skills needed by Thailand, to stay in this country long term, to help boost the domestic economy and to help in technological development.

#1 Foreigners who qualify as wealthy who will be issued with LTR visas are those who invest, through foreign direct investment (FDI), in Thai government bonds or invest in real estate in Thailand worth a minimum of US$ 500,000, have had personal income of no less than US$ 80,000 per year for the past two years and with assets worth about US$ 1 million.

2# Foreign pensioners who qualify for an LTR visa will be at least 50 years old who have invested in Thai government bonds via FDI or invested in real estate in Thailand, worth a minimum of US$250,000, have an annual income of US$40,000 or an annual pension of a minimum of US$80,000.

3# The third group eligible for an LTR visa are those who want to work from Thailand, with an annual income of no less than US$80,000 for the past two years or have annual income of at least US$40,000 if they have graduated with a Master’s degree or own an intellectual property right or have received “Series A” funding with five years of work experience.

4# The fourth group of foreigners are those with special skills who have had an annual income of at least US$80,000 for the past two years or have a minimum annual income of US$40,000, if they have completed post-graduate education, and with five years of work experience in industries targeted by the Thai government.

The National Economic and Social Development Council projects that this tax incentive scheme will attract as many as a million foreigners to stay in Thailand for a long period.

Healthcare and insurance are important considerations for anyone planning a long-term stay in Thailand. Here are some key things to know:

Thailand has both public and private healthcare systems. Public hospitals are generally affordable, but may have long wait times and language barriers for non-Thai speakers. Private hospitals offer more amenities and English-speaking staff, but can be more expensive.

It’s important to have health insurance coverage when living in Thailand. There are many options for health insurance providers in Thailand, both local and international. It’s important to compare plans and premiums to find the best option for your needs.

Many long-stay visas for Thailand require proof of health insurance coverage as part of the application process.

Prescription medication is widely available in Thailand, but it’s important to note that some medications may not be available or may require a prescription from a Thai doctor.

Dental care is also widely available in Thailand and can be more affordable than in many other countries.

By understanding the healthcare and insurance landscape in Thailand, travelers and expats can ensure they have the resources they need to stay healthy and address any medical needs that arise. It’s always a good idea to research and plan in advance to ensure you have the appropriate health insurance coverage and know how to access healthcare resources in the event of an emergency.

a comparison table for the six options

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