

Informing us about your desired property specifications, including type, location, budget, and any specific preferences you may have.

We’ll dedicate 2-3 weeks to meticulously search for properties that match your criteria, ensuring thorough consideration of available options

Once potential properties are identified, you’ll have the opportunity to visit them in person to assess their suitability and gauge their alignment with your requirements.

Upon finding the ideal property, you’ll submit a purchase request form. Subsequently, we’ll facilitate the creation of a comprehensive contract detailing the terms of the transaction. Upon agreement, a deposit will be made to secure the property.

The final step involves the payment and transfer of ownership at the Land Department. We’ll guide you through this process to ensure smooth and legally compliant transfer of property ownership rights.

Blog Post

Thailand’s Progress: LGBTQ+ Rights and Inclusivity

Thailand, renowned for its captivating landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality, has also emerged [...]

Thailand Sustainably: Eco-Friendly Travel

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Navigating Thai Culture: Dos and Don’ts for Travelers

Stepping foot into Thailand is an immersion into a rich tapestry of traditions, beliefs, and [...]

Wildlife Tourism in Thailand

Thailand’s rich biodiversity and exotic wildlife have long been a draw for travelers seeking unique [...]

Foreigners Owning Real Estate in Thailand

Foreign ownership of real estate in Thailand has opened up exciting opportunities for investors and [...]